いしわた 宏明 のブログ

「夢」、「継承」、「未来」。大好きな街「桐生」を次世代に。「いしわた 宏明」の市政チャレンジを綴ります。


210629 市有施設見学⑤: 消防東分署

Final visit is new fire station in the central of city. 3 pump cars, 1 ambulance, and 1 publicity car are always ready to go. To secure our safety and security would be their mission, that's really appreciated indeed. 最後に訪れたのは消防…

210629 市有施設見学④: 梅田浄水場

New water filter plant in Umeda ward, its capacity would be 11,500 m3 per day, can cover apprx. 20% of the population in Kiryu city. 「水源の森100選」にも挙げられている、桐生川源流林から注がれる清らかな水。ここは、自然流下で配水をする、環…

210629 市有施設見学③: 学校給食中央共同調理場

Here is the new supply center of school meals, can serve 6,000 sets per day. To be started from this 2nd term on Aug. Enjoy your meals!! 2学期からの提供開始を予定している「学校給食中央共同調理場」。最大で1日あたり6,000食の給食を供給するこ…

210629 市有施設見学②: 市民体育館

Next visit is new civic gymnasium, which has 2 arenas (large and small) , indoor running course, and training corner as well. Have fun, play sports for your health!! 続いての訪問は桐生球場前駅・運動公園前駅の近くに新しく完成をした市民体育…

210629 市有施設見学①: 陸上競技場

Had a tour of inspection for the municipal public facilities in Kiryu.1st visit is new athletics stadium, which is recognised officially as type 3 grade. Uwmmm, nice blue colour it is!! 元宿浄水場の近くに新しく完成した陸上競技場、「森エン…