いしわた 宏明 のブログ

「夢」、「継承」、「未来」。大好きな街「桐生」を次世代に。「いしわた 宏明」の市政チャレンジを綴ります。


210803 羽ばたけ、織づる! (2)

Here is the Kiryu Credit Union (Shinkin Bank) head quarter, they are also very happy to support our "Textile Origami Cranes" activity. Many thanks, more than 800 cranes are already ready to flap!! 地元発信拠点のひとつ、桐生信用金庫様にはい…

210803 商工会議所様との意見交換会

Here is the chamber of commerce in Kiryu, we had a joint meeting w/ members this morning how we can promote Kiryu's brand hereinafter. Any good idea? 桐生商工会議所様と意見を交わす、貴重な機会がありました。正副会頭、専務理事をはじめ、6つの…