いしわた 宏明 のブログ

「夢」、「継承」、「未来」。大好きな街「桐生」を次世代に。「いしわた 宏明」の市政チャレンジを綴ります。

200611 議会改革度調査2019

Look!! Innovation research note (Waseda University) officially announced Top 300 councils in Japan, glory (No.1!!) shines for our Kiryu assembly in the functional enhancement section. :) Great it is! 2019年度の「議会改革度調査」(早稲田大学…

200610 満天の星、北斗七星

Very few fireflies tonight unfortunately, but we could see the great bear, twinkling in the night sky!! ホタルを探しに桐生川まで。でも今日はちょっと遅かったみたいです。そのかわり、夜空には満天の星。北斗七星が綺麗に輝いていました!

200609 後援会だより 第1号

Time flies!! A year has been passed already, since my 1st election as a member of Kiryu city council. Highly appreciated for this opportunity, any challenge would be done in order to meet your all expectation!! 昨年、皆さまから議員選出の機…

200608 桐生織のマスク

Pleased to show you 100% Kiryu-made textile mask for your new life style. One for each my family, especially green and pink coloured ones are from Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba), my kids are glad to have it!! :) 新しい生活様式に「桐生織の…

200606 天満宮骨董市

Antique wooden box in 1930, was used for the 1st 100% Japanese made-brand medicinal herb wine. The very first moment we saw this box, we fell in love with it although we didn't have any idea what we will use it for ... :) Very nice anyway,…

200604 ホタルが来た!

Fantastic view. Fireflies, here and there!! 昨年台風の惨禍もなんのその。多くのホタル達が幻想的に舞っていました。今年は例年に比べてたくさん観られます。場所は地元の桐生川、黒川です。

200601 青少年育成推進員に

Assigned officially as a member of promotion committee for Kiryu Youth Development. Just do it in all sincerity!! 東地区の青少年育成推進員 (補導委員) への委嘱状を本日受領いたしました。市内各所での補導活動やネット見守り活動、安全パトロール…