Final visit is new fire station in the central of city. 3 pump cars, 1 ambulance, and 1 publicity car are always ready to go. To secure our safety and security would be their mission, that's really appreciated indeed. 最後に訪れたのは消防…
New water filter plant in Umeda ward, its capacity would be 11,500 m3 per day, can cover apprx. 20% of the population in Kiryu city. 「水源の森100選」にも挙げられている、桐生川源流林から注がれる清らかな水。ここは、自然流下で配水をする、環…
Here is the new supply center of school meals, can serve 6,000 sets per day. To be started from this 2nd term on Aug. Enjoy your meals!! 2学期からの提供開始を予定している「学校給食中央共同調理場」。最大で1日あたり6,000食の給食を供給するこ…
Next visit is new civic gymnasium, which has 2 arenas (large and small) , indoor running course, and training corner as well. Have fun, play sports for your health!! 続いての訪問は桐生球場前駅・運動公園前駅の近くに新しく完成をした市民体育…
Had a tour of inspection for the municipal public facilities in Kiryu.1st visit is new athletics stadium, which is recognised officially as type 3 grade. Uwmmm, nice blue colour it is!! 元宿浄水場の近くに新しく完成した陸上競技場、「森エン…
Latest research of the population in Kiryu (as of 25/Jun/2021) is released as 106,524, which is △7.1% compare to the 6 years ago. ... Cheer up Kiryu!! 令和2年国勢調査による人口速報値が公表されました。その数106,524人。... 6年前に比べて△7.1%…
Cozy "Lunch Box" corner is newly opened in the central of Kiryu. Have fun w/ us, Kiryu marché!! 本日オープン「桐生もりもりマルシェ」!! 食で桐生を盛り上げる「参加型」の新しいランチボックスのお店です。参加するのは市内様々な料理店さまに加え、…
Looks everyone in Kiryu is believing the air quality around here is always clean like a gospel. Is it true? 6月の定例議会も残すところあと2日。明日・明後日にかけて15名の議員から順次、一般質問が行われます。わたしの今回関心時は「桐生の大気・…
4 mangoes... One is from our garden, others are from Okinawa. Big difference you can easily identify 💦 :( 今年も届いた石垣島からのアップルマンゴー。出どころは同じなのに、我が家のマンゴーとの違いは歴然です。… でもあきらめず、硬い外殻から種を…
Regular maintenance for the fire pumper truck. Everything is OK!! 今日は第七分団、消防ポンプ車の定期点検です。全点、異常なし! 最後に車体を全面、綺麗に拭きあげて、本日の任務を完了してまいりました。
Mr. Ango Sakaguchi, who used to live in Kiryu, is one of the writers to rise to prominence in the years of 20th century. Special edition is finally published!!桐生で晩年を過ごした無頼派の文豪、坂口安吾。数多く残された作品群の中から、桐生お…
Made it!! Hunting gun licence is qualified!! 銃猟免許、無事に合格することができました!ですがまだまだ足りません。次は「銃刀法講習」・「射撃実習」が待っています💦 が、まずはともあれ!
Here, Gunma's prefectural government office. Exam for the hunting gun licence was held at there today, which would be my 1st step for the wild life management!!第一種「猟銃」の狩猟免許試験を本日、県庁で受けてきました。内容は適正・知識・技…
"When pigs fly" ... something that is not likely to happen. I like this word, such idea is needed in Kiryu I believe!!直訳をすれば「ぶたが飛ぶとき!」… 「ありえないこと」を意味します。このフレーズ、なんだかとても好きで気に入っています。そ…
Summer season has come. These green and yellow are big zucchini, colour is amazing from the great nature. We wish if such harvest could be cultivated by ourselves? Let's think about it studying the style of German "Kleingarten" !! 庭先のペ…
Set up compact plastic greenhouse in our garden for the mango's further growing. No bugs please!! 可能性を信じてマンゴーの引越し。これまでの室内縁側栽培から、小庭にこしらえたお手製の小さなビニールハウスへ。害虫などが心配ですが、やはり栽培…
Full day pre-training for the hunting licence exam to be held next Sunday. Required acknowledgement and practical skills are very lot. :( 来週日曜開催の「猟銃狩猟免許」試験に向けての事前トレーニングは、 9:00 〜 17:00 の終日に亘る、盛り沢山…
Roundabout in neighboring city from Kiryu. Not rare in overseas country but very unique in Japan. Cool!! 気になるユニーク交差点「ラウンドアバウト」を見てきました。車両の航跡がサークル状の円を描く交通の流れは見事なほどに安全かつ円滑。これな…
No bullying!! We would like to be your umbrella always when you would be in trouble... 街中でふと見かけた啓蒙ポスターに足が止まりました。少し色あせていたので、いくらか前のものかも知れません。描いたのはまだ小さな、小学校6年生の男の子とあり…