Required credential process for the hunting licence has been qualified by police research finally. Next step is to have the practical shooting skills' test!! 桐生警察署にて本日無事に「教習資格認定証」を受領して参りました。… ハンターを目指…
To our surprise, such 6,106 origami cranes are gathered from the Kiryu people!! Start was just 45 days ago… Congratulations, great Kiryu!!集計結果なんと … 届けられたのは、6,106羽もの「折り鶴」たちでした!㊗️ まさかのわずか45日間での快挙、…
How many Origami Cranes we could have? Totaling to be done next Monday!! 連日みな様からお寄せいただいている、色鮮やかな「折り鶴」の数々。いったい何羽に届くのか?… 集計は来週の月曜日です!
Boccia in Tokyo 2020 to be started on this Saturday, check it out!! 明日より始まる「ボッチャ」のパラリンピック・トーナメント。選手皆さまのご活躍を、桐生からも応援しています。Go for it!! https://sports.nhk.or.jp/paralympic/schedules/sports/…
This is "Three Agitos", symbol of the Paralympics. (Red: Spirit, Blue: Body, Green: Mind) ... ready to ship to Tokyo from Kiryu!! (In parallel, welcome back, symbol of the Olympics!!) ご存知でしょうか「スリーアギトス」。... パラリンピック…
We can't find any word how to express our appreciation... Origami Cranes are now approaching to 3,000, which is quite larger than our expectations! 日々お忙しい中、用事が済めばサッとお帰りになるのが普通…。ですがあれからわずか1ヶ月、皆さま…
This morning, all of the rest dropped from the tree finally. Achievement in 1st year is, totally 4 mini-mangoes, size is 5 〜 6cm each. Next year for sure!! 8/16(月) 相次いでの落果…。初年度の記録、いずれも5〜6cm玉、計4ヶでした。来年度こそ…
76th anniversary of the end of the World War II. It was raining hard this morning, but visited some monuments in Kiryu, could sent our sincere heart out to the forefathers. 76年目を迎えた終戦記念日。今朝は冷たい雨降る、あいにくの天候でした…
Folding and connecting many Origami Cranes for healing the world. Target is 2,021 and now approx 1,600 are ready to flap as of 9/Aug. Almost there!! 40羽をひとつに束ね。25本あつめて1,000羽にします。開始から20日余り、いま目標値の約8割にあた…
You may know Kiryu is one of the major textile industry city in Japan. However have you ever studied deeply its soul of technology? :) 桐生を象徴する「桐生織」についていま一度、じっくりと勉強をさせて頂きました。何度でも訪れたい、何度でも学…
One of our so precious mangoes finally dropped from the tree. Having butterflies in our stomach, found inside was pretty a perfect mango!! Wow!!! 大事に大切にこれまで育ててきたマンゴー。決して南国でもない群馬県、桐生市の気候下で育ててきた…
Here is the Kiryu Credit Union (Shinkin Bank) head quarter, they are also very happy to support our "Textile Origami Cranes" activity. Many thanks, more than 800 cranes are already ready to flap!! 地元発信拠点のひとつ、桐生信用金庫様にはい…
Here is the chamber of commerce in Kiryu, we had a joint meeting w/ members this morning how we can promote Kiryu's brand hereinafter. Any good idea? 桐生商工会議所様と意見を交わす、貴重な機会がありました。正副会頭、専務理事をはじめ、6つの…
Exhibition of the "Textile Origami Cranes" is held at the entrance robby in Kiryu city office building for about 2 weeks. Flapping towards our future!! 桐生織・オリジナルのおおきな「織づる」。本日8/2(月) からの2週間、市役所1階ロビーにて、…
Iwajuku Ruins, where the Paleolithic man's old stone tools were found in 1949 which was the evidence we Japanese people also had a stone tools' era!!1949年にここで発掘された、ひとつの石槍の石器が証明してくれました。それは縄文時代よりも遥か…
Picked weeds in the children's yard from the early in the morning. Did our best but green and sun shine were quite stronger than us. :(児童公園で草むしり。… 張り切ってはじめた「滑り台」廻りにドドンと立ちはだかったのは、鬱蒼と茂るグリーンの…