いしわた 宏明 のブログ

「夢」、「継承」、「未来」。大好きな街「桐生」を次世代に。「いしわた 宏明」の市政チャレンジを綴ります。

210714 古雑誌 (明治37年発刊!)

Neighbor found very old magazines at his dilapidated warehouse which is quite surprising us one of them was published in 1904! More than 100 years ago...ご自宅の古納屋で見つけたから、と老夫から託された古雑誌の数々。… よくよく見ればそのうち…

210708 猟銃等の取扱い: 銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法

Qualified hard hurdle finally, "Firearms and Swords Control Act" for the hunting licence!! Yes, my diligence (studied a lot indeed) is rewarded. :) 県の警察本部で開催された、第一種免状者を対象とした「猟銃等の取り扱い」講習。… 終日に亘った…

210706 がんばれマンゴー

Summer high season will come soon. Our mangoes looks all going "slowly" well although professional's in neighbouring city is quite in harvest. Cheer up ours!! 隣市のマンゴー畑の様子はこのとおり…。一方、我が家のマンゴーはスクスク育ってはい…

210705 「織づる」を桐生市に寄贈

Made a donation of warm heart and will for the peace to the Kiryu city mayor from little girl by special origami cranes!! (Look, cranes are made by traditional Kiryu fabric manufacturing!!) 桐生がだい好きな女の子。平和を願うその無垢な想い…

210704 「織づる」は自然観察の森に

You may realise, design on the cranes this time is from the unique flower in Kiryu, "Primula kisoana", which is selected as one of the endangered species, can be seen ONLY at here, Kiryu city. Nature centre staff are all very happy w/ these…

210703 桐生の「織づる」を届けよう!

Marvellous idea from little girl. Cranes (symbol of peace) and silk fabrics' manufacturing (Kiryu's traditional industry) made a synergy collaboration for the future wishing of the peaceful world!! 「桐生らしいカタチで届けたい」…。世界平和…

210702 桐生のコシヒカリ

Local rice in Kiryu. Milling brown to white which is slightly warm on hands, and freshly cooked one is quite aromatic. Look, what a harvest!! 桐生で収穫されたコシヒカリ。玄米から精米したての白米はほんのりと手の平で温かく、その炊き立ては実…