いしわた 宏明 のブログ

「夢」、「継承」、「未来」。大好きな街「桐生」を次世代に。「いしわた 宏明」の市政チャレンジを綴ります。

210704 「織づる」は自然観察の森に

You may realise, design on the cranes this time is from the unique flower in Kiryu, "Primula kisoana", which is selected as one of the endangered species, can be seen ONLY at here, Kiryu city. Nature centre staff are all very happy w/ these…

210703 桐生の「織づる」を届けよう!

Marvellous idea from little girl. Cranes (symbol of peace) and silk fabrics' manufacturing (Kiryu's traditional industry) made a synergy collaboration for the future wishing of the peaceful world!! 「桐生らしいカタチで届けたい」…。世界平和…

210702 桐生のコシヒカリ

Local rice in Kiryu. Milling brown to white which is slightly warm on hands, and freshly cooked one is quite aromatic. Look, what a harvest!! 桐生で収穫されたコシヒカリ。玄米から精米したての白米はほんのりと手の平で温かく、その炊き立ては実…

210629 市有施設見学⑤: 消防東分署

Final visit is new fire station in the central of city. 3 pump cars, 1 ambulance, and 1 publicity car are always ready to go. To secure our safety and security would be their mission, that's really appreciated indeed. 最後に訪れたのは消防…

210629 市有施設見学④: 梅田浄水場

New water filter plant in Umeda ward, its capacity would be 11,500 m3 per day, can cover apprx. 20% of the population in Kiryu city. 「水源の森100選」にも挙げられている、桐生川源流林から注がれる清らかな水。ここは、自然流下で配水をする、環…

210629 市有施設見学③: 学校給食中央共同調理場

Here is the new supply center of school meals, can serve 6,000 sets per day. To be started from this 2nd term on Aug. Enjoy your meals!! 2学期からの提供開始を予定している「学校給食中央共同調理場」。最大で1日あたり6,000食の給食を供給するこ…

210629 市有施設見学②: 市民体育館

Next visit is new civic gymnasium, which has 2 arenas (large and small) , indoor running course, and training corner as well. Have fun, play sports for your health!! 続いての訪問は桐生球場前駅・運動公園前駅の近くに新しく完成をした市民体育…